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About 꽃길부고

Flower Gilbugo Features
-Convenient mobile obituary creation and delivery function.
-Careful and highly readable minor faults with a stylish design without being heavy.
- Management of all minor failures written.
-One-touch navigation operation system using the navigation app stored in the mobile.
-Convenient management system for those who send condolence messages and reunification wreaths.
-Deposit account registration and confirmation system for those who cannot come to condolences while protecting personal information.
-Differentiated shipping service of products for resident residents and mourners.

The function of the flower road book
- Create a classy and sophisticated sub-problem with convenient writing.
-Sending mass malfunctions to family and acquaintances using KakaoTalk and text messages.
-Provide accurate information without high readable minor faults and errors.
-Distinguish between resident messages and mourners messages, exposing only the necessary message content.
-Check intuitive and detailed product images of Geunjo Wreaths and resident products.
-Nationwide same-day delivery service for ordered products.

Flower Road Obituary is a premium mobile obituary notification service that can enhance the dignity of the deceased and politely transmit the obituary to acquaintances.

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