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About T원샷콜(폰용)

T one-shot call (phones) is the application that originated the call automatically in the smart phone registered to Finedrive T. You can register your smartphone to use with Finedrive T through the application. When the registration is running the Call phone feature in Finedrive T to place a call automatically on your smartphone. Bundeulkkeseo taxi driver who is driving, you can comfortably use a smart phone dialing function through Finedrive T.

[How to use]
1. Finedrive T T in the one-shot call (my money) prefer to use the smart phone to install apps, please install a one-shot T call (phones) app.
2. T one-shot call (Phone) to open the app.
3. Select Yes in the Bluetooth Authorization Request pop-up is provided after pressing the Bluetooth connection button for one-shot T call (phones) app.
4. T one-shot call (my money) and then run the app, press the Bluetooth connection is available, a pop-up menu. Once registered, select the device list as possible be registered with the smartphone people search available on the pop-up.
5. When each pairing request pop-up navigation on smartphones and then check the authentication code of the two devices in pairing Finedrive T prices Select button to choose OK in the smartphone button.

Once registration is complete, the smartphone does not need to be added to the register.

- For the use of the one-shot T Call app "of the T runs a one-shot call" Smartphone status bar must be displayed.
If there is no indication that will run once you exit the T one-shot call (phones) app.
- When a smartphone or navigation reboot will run automatically.
- Make sure all navigation and smart phones Bluetooth is turned on.
Bluetooth on All Bluetooth devices If you have a large property near a Wi-Fi / BT devices is very high probability that the connection is very slow or the connection fails.

[How to recover when the phone connection should not]
- When OFF ON again after the smartphone's Bluetooth is possible Most of the problems.
- receive Instant Confirmation If the problem persists after starting the Bluetooth again not solve reboot your smartphone.

T원샷콜(폰용) Screenshots