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Ency Lab

Rusmal Firmansyah
10+ downloads

About Ency Lab

Development of chemistry learning media application program Encyclopedia Chemistry Laboratory (Encylab) Based on Android as a Learning Resource for High School / MA Class X Students. Submitted as one of the conditions for the author to obtain a Bachelor of Education degree in the Chemical Education Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Muhammadiyah University Semarang .
Encylab is the name of a chemical learning media development application program developed by the author. This media operates on an Android-based smartphone.
This application contains 9 main menu contents consisting of 3 material menu contents including: (1) Core material (consisting of the subject of Chemistry and Scientific Methods, Chemical Safety and Security in the Laboratory (K3), and the Role of Chemistry in Life), ( 2) Practical menu content, (3) Quiz / learning evaluation menu content and 6 supporting menu content such as (about applications, media usage instructions, basic competencies, AZ Categories, references and developer profiles).
The goal with the development of this Encylab is one alternative technology-based chemical learning media for educators as well as a learning resource or reference for students who are interesting and flexible.

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