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First Entertainment Mobile

4.7 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About First Entertainment Mobile

Firstent Mobile is available for both Personal and Business, offering a holistic view of all of your finances in one secure App, 24/7 and from anywhere. Deposit checks, review your transaction history, send and transfer money, manage your cards, receive alerts, check account balances, pay bills, set a budget and much more. Access your accounts using Face ID, quickly view your balances with Quick Balance, and receive real-time alerts on your account activity. Receive all the information for your banking needs with the highest level of security.

Manage your finances at your convenience with these features:
• Deposit checks
• Manage your cards
• Pay Bills and make payments
• Send money to anyone with a bank account in the US
• Message and chat with us securely
• Transfer money
• View and export statements
• Locate nearby First Entertainment Branches and ATMs
and much more.

First Entertainment Mobile Screenshots