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About FirstVet

Visit our veterinarians and specialists directly in your smartphone. Via video calls you quickly get advice, diagnosis or referral.

We're open every day.

Here are some examples of what our veterinarians and specialists can help your pet with.
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Eye and ear problems
- Poisoning
- Itching and skin problems
- Cough and sneezing
- Damage and accidents
- Behavioral issues
- Dental care
- Rehabilitation and wellness

Book the next available appointment, to get in touch with us as soon as possible. Did you know that your insurance company in many cases replaces the meeting with us? Read more in the app or at

FirstVet is a safe service for the times when you are unsure whether your trip to the veterinary clinic is needed, in case of non-emergency, behavioral issues or if you need to get in touch with the veterinarian.

You can also find facts and advice about pets in our question database. If you have your own question, you can submit it and get it answered by our veterinarians for free.