Dictionary of the Slang of all the countries that are native Spanish-speaking, not only the Latin Americans, but also includes Spain so that you can compare their slang with those of your country.
Includes the following countries:
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Ecuador
- The Savior
- Spain
- Equatorial Guinea
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Puerto Rico
- Dominican Republic
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Audio pronunciation of words
- Edition request:
Do you think that a word is misspelled, that it is no longer used, that it is also used in your country? or for some other reason, you can submit an edit request for that word.
- Request for a new word:
Do you think words are missing? you can send a request to tell us what it is
Includes the following countries:
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Ecuador
- The Savior
- Spain
- Equatorial Guinea
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Puerto Rico
- Dominican Republic
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Audio pronunciation of words
- Edition request:
Do you think that a word is misspelled, that it is no longer used, that it is also used in your country? or for some other reason, you can submit an edit request for that word.
- Request for a new word:
Do you think words are missing? you can send a request to tell us what it is
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