Enter any equation of variable z and produce a complex function graph (conformal map) generated with domain coloring right on your device!
Notable features include:
▶ Extensive and easy-to-use touch interface.
▶ Over 50 mathematical functions, including special functions like gamma, iterated functions, lambert-W, and Riemann-zeta.
▶ Images on the complex plane (conformal mapping of images).
▶ Contour integration (drag a path), derivatives, and function values.
▶ Save, load, export, and import your favorite equations.
▶ Save images, view your saved images, and later load the specific equation and bounds back into the app for more exploration.
▶ Many customizable settings.
▶ A tutorial to familiarize you with the app and example equations.
▶ Complete documentation within the app available through the "about" menu.
▶ Easily give feedback.
▶ Useful for complex analysis.
Supported math functions and constants:
(u and v represent arbitrary functions of z)
▶ Addition: u + v
▶ Subtraction: u - v
▶ Multiplication: u*v
▶ Division: u/v
▶ Negation: -u
▶ Exponentiation: u^v or u**v or pow(u, v)
▶ Square root: sqrt(u) or √(u)
▶ Natural exponentiation (of base e): exp(u)
▶ Natural logarithm (of base e): ln(u) or log(u)
▶ Branched natural logarithm (of base e): ln(u, branch)
▶ Based logarithm: log(u, base)
▶ Branched and based logarithm: log(u, base, branch)
▶ Lambert-W function: W(u) or lambertW(u)
▶ Branched Lambert-W: W(u, branch) or lambertW(u, branch)
▶ Super square root (inverse of u^u): ssqrt(u)
Trigonometric functions:
▶ Sine: sin(u)
▶ Cosine: cos(u)
▶ Tangent: tan(u)
▶ Cosecant: csc(u)
▶ Secant: sec(u)
▶ Cotangent: cot(u)
Inverse trigonometric functions:
▶ Inverse sine: asin(u)
▶ Inverse cosine: acos(u)
▶ Inverse tangent: atan(u)
▶ Inverse cosecant: acsc(u)
▶ Inverse secant: asec(u)
▶ Inverse cotangent: acot(u)
Hyperbolic trig functions:
▶ Hyperbolic sine: sinh(u)
▶ Hyperbolic cosine: cosh(u)
▶ Hyperbolic tangent: tanh(u)
▶ Hyperbolic cosecant: csch(u)
▶ Hyperbolic secant: sech(u)
▶ Hyperbolic cotangent: coth(u)
Inverse hyperbolic trig functions:
▶ Inverse hyperbolic sine: asinh(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic cosine: acosh(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic tangent: atanh(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic cosecant: acsch(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic secant: asech(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic cotangent: acoth(u)
Special functions:
▶ Lambert-W function: W(u) or lambertW(u)
▶ Branched Lambert-W: W(u, branch) or lambertW(u, branch)
▶ Super square root (inverse of u^u): ssqrt(u)
▶ Gamma function: gamma(u) or Γ(u)
▶ Factorial function: u!
▶ Binomial function: bin(u, v) or binomial(u, v)
▶ Error function (coming soon): erf(u)
▶ Riemann-zeta function: zeta(u)
▶ Riemann-xi function: xi(u)
▶ Equal: u == v
▶ Not equal: u != v
▶ Less: u < v
▶ Greater: u > v
▶ Less or equal: u <= v
▶ Greater or equal: u >= v
Logical operators:
▶ And: u & v
▶ Or: u | v
▶ Not: ~u
Auxiliary functions:
▶ Absolute value: abs(u)
▶ Complex argument: arg(u)
▶ Real part: x or re(u)
▶ Imaginary part: y or im(u)
▶ Complex conjugate: conj(u)
▶ Ceiling: ceil(u)
▶ Floor: floor(u)
▶ Minimum: min(u, v)
▶ Maximum: max(u, v)
Random functions:
▶ Random number in range: rand(min, max)
▶ Imaginary unit: i or j = sqrt(-1)
▶ Euler's Number: e = 2.718281828…
▶ Pi: pi or π = 3.1415926535…
▶ Golden ratio: phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.6180339887…
Branch functions:
▶ If statement
▶ If-else statment
▶ Define your own variables
▶ Redefine your own variables
Iterated functions:
▶ Iterated function
▶ Summation
▶ Product
Notable features include:
▶ Extensive and easy-to-use touch interface.
▶ Over 50 mathematical functions, including special functions like gamma, iterated functions, lambert-W, and Riemann-zeta.
▶ Images on the complex plane (conformal mapping of images).
▶ Contour integration (drag a path), derivatives, and function values.
▶ Save, load, export, and import your favorite equations.
▶ Save images, view your saved images, and later load the specific equation and bounds back into the app for more exploration.
▶ Many customizable settings.
▶ A tutorial to familiarize you with the app and example equations.
▶ Complete documentation within the app available through the "about" menu.
▶ Easily give feedback.
▶ Useful for complex analysis.
Supported math functions and constants:
(u and v represent arbitrary functions of z)
▶ Addition: u + v
▶ Subtraction: u - v
▶ Multiplication: u*v
▶ Division: u/v
▶ Negation: -u
▶ Exponentiation: u^v or u**v or pow(u, v)
▶ Square root: sqrt(u) or √(u)
▶ Natural exponentiation (of base e): exp(u)
▶ Natural logarithm (of base e): ln(u) or log(u)
▶ Branched natural logarithm (of base e): ln(u, branch)
▶ Based logarithm: log(u, base)
▶ Branched and based logarithm: log(u, base, branch)
▶ Lambert-W function: W(u) or lambertW(u)
▶ Branched Lambert-W: W(u, branch) or lambertW(u, branch)
▶ Super square root (inverse of u^u): ssqrt(u)
Trigonometric functions:
▶ Sine: sin(u)
▶ Cosine: cos(u)
▶ Tangent: tan(u)
▶ Cosecant: csc(u)
▶ Secant: sec(u)
▶ Cotangent: cot(u)
Inverse trigonometric functions:
▶ Inverse sine: asin(u)
▶ Inverse cosine: acos(u)
▶ Inverse tangent: atan(u)
▶ Inverse cosecant: acsc(u)
▶ Inverse secant: asec(u)
▶ Inverse cotangent: acot(u)
Hyperbolic trig functions:
▶ Hyperbolic sine: sinh(u)
▶ Hyperbolic cosine: cosh(u)
▶ Hyperbolic tangent: tanh(u)
▶ Hyperbolic cosecant: csch(u)
▶ Hyperbolic secant: sech(u)
▶ Hyperbolic cotangent: coth(u)
Inverse hyperbolic trig functions:
▶ Inverse hyperbolic sine: asinh(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic cosine: acosh(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic tangent: atanh(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic cosecant: acsch(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic secant: asech(u)
▶ Inverse hyperbolic cotangent: acoth(u)
Special functions:
▶ Lambert-W function: W(u) or lambertW(u)
▶ Branched Lambert-W: W(u, branch) or lambertW(u, branch)
▶ Super square root (inverse of u^u): ssqrt(u)
▶ Gamma function: gamma(u) or Γ(u)
▶ Factorial function: u!
▶ Binomial function: bin(u, v) or binomial(u, v)
▶ Error function (coming soon): erf(u)
▶ Riemann-zeta function: zeta(u)
▶ Riemann-xi function: xi(u)
▶ Equal: u == v
▶ Not equal: u != v
▶ Less: u < v
▶ Greater: u > v
▶ Less or equal: u <= v
▶ Greater or equal: u >= v
Logical operators:
▶ And: u & v
▶ Or: u | v
▶ Not: ~u
Auxiliary functions:
▶ Absolute value: abs(u)
▶ Complex argument: arg(u)
▶ Real part: x or re(u)
▶ Imaginary part: y or im(u)
▶ Complex conjugate: conj(u)
▶ Ceiling: ceil(u)
▶ Floor: floor(u)
▶ Minimum: min(u, v)
▶ Maximum: max(u, v)
Random functions:
▶ Random number in range: rand(min, max)
▶ Imaginary unit: i or j = sqrt(-1)
▶ Euler's Number: e = 2.718281828…
▶ Pi: pi or π = 3.1415926535…
▶ Golden ratio: phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.6180339887…
Branch functions:
▶ If statement
▶ If-else statment
▶ Define your own variables
▶ Redefine your own variables
Iterated functions:
▶ Iterated function
▶ Summation
▶ Product
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