Start playing Una Finestra Sul Lago - The Game: a simple pastime of one of the best restaurants on Lake Como.
Choose your favorite character from Nathan, Glauco or Nosi and overtake Acqua Chiarella as many times as you can.
Accumulate points, take a screenshot of your score and share on your Instagram profile by tagging @unafinestrasullago and @acquachiarella together with the hashtag #Ufslthegame and #acquachiarella.
Choose your favorite character from Nathan, Glauco or Nosi and overtake Acqua Chiarella as many times as you can.
Accumulate points, take a screenshot of your score and share on your Instagram profile by tagging @unafinestrasullago and @acquachiarella together with the hashtag #Ufslthegame and #acquachiarella.
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