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iDFT Calculator and Visualizer

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About iDFT Calculator and Visualizer

iDFT Calculator and Visualizer is an assist tool for college level students enrolled in digital signal subjects. The aim of this calculator is to help students cross-verify their DFT, IDFT, and Rx2FFT problems.

‣ Dynamic list of n-points: add or remove points in an intuitive way.
‣ Supported operations: DFT, IDFT, and Rx2 FFT.
‣ Padding safety: automatically pad the input signal to 2^n when calculating FFT using Rx2 algorithm.
‣ Interactive output signal visualization on a stem-graph.

Additional Information
‣ Open sourced under GNU GPL-3.0 License
‣ No ads
‣ No tracking

Source Code Available on GitHub

iDFT Calculator and Visualizer Screenshots