Claris has changed its strategy for FileMaker certification and is moving away from version-specific exam.We have updated our FM Quizilla app to conform with FileMaker’s strategy.
We have revised our question bank with respect to Claris FileMaker knowledge domains. This will help the developer to prepare for the exam. You can also track your progress through ‘Historical analysis’ and ‘View progress’ features, like in the previous version of the app.
Learn – Experience – Practice for FileMaker certification by using the latest version of the app.
Happy Learning!
We have revised our question bank with respect to Claris FileMaker knowledge domains. This will help the developer to prepare for the exam. You can also track your progress through ‘Historical analysis’ and ‘View progress’ features, like in the previous version of the app.
Learn – Experience – Practice for FileMaker certification by using the latest version of the app.
Happy Learning!
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