Arrange all the funerals with the app!
You can easily make reservations for hearse, mortuary, funeral home, religious person, graveyard, etc. required for funerals, and you can compare related companies in the evaluation ranking.
If you have any problems, please contact us via chat!
[App features]
・ Understand companies with a good reputation!
・ Understand the price and availability!
・ Easy search for arrangements even for sudden events!
・ Search for nearby facilities!
▼ Vehicle dispatch reservation
You can search and reserve hearse, morgue, funeral home, religionist, and graveyard here.
▼ Evaluation ranking
The evaluations of each company are posted in a ranking format. You can find reputable companies here.
* If you use the service in a poor network environment, the content may not be displayed and it may not operate normally.
[About push notifications]
We will notify you of the best deals by push notification. Please set push notification to "ON" when you start the app for the first time. You can change the on / off setting later.
[Acquisition of location information]
We may allow you to obtain location information from the app for the purpose of searching for nearby facilities or for other information distribution purposes.
Please be assured that the location information is not related to personal information and will not be used for anything other than this application.
[About copyright]
The copyright of the content described in this application belongs to Funeral Service workers academy, Inc., and all acts such as copying, quoting, forwarding, distribution, reorganization, modification, addition, etc. without permission are prohibited for any purpose. I will.
You can easily make reservations for hearse, mortuary, funeral home, religious person, graveyard, etc. required for funerals, and you can compare related companies in the evaluation ranking.
If you have any problems, please contact us via chat!
[App features]
・ Understand companies with a good reputation!
・ Understand the price and availability!
・ Easy search for arrangements even for sudden events!
・ Search for nearby facilities!
▼ Vehicle dispatch reservation
You can search and reserve hearse, morgue, funeral home, religionist, and graveyard here.
▼ Evaluation ranking
The evaluations of each company are posted in a ranking format. You can find reputable companies here.
* If you use the service in a poor network environment, the content may not be displayed and it may not operate normally.
[About push notifications]
We will notify you of the best deals by push notification. Please set push notification to "ON" when you start the app for the first time. You can change the on / off setting later.
[Acquisition of location information]
We may allow you to obtain location information from the app for the purpose of searching for nearby facilities or for other information distribution purposes.
Please be assured that the location information is not related to personal information and will not be used for anything other than this application.
[About copyright]
The copyright of the content described in this application belongs to Funeral Service workers academy, Inc., and all acts such as copying, quoting, forwarding, distribution, reorganization, modification, addition, etc. without permission are prohibited for any purpose. I will.
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