You can easy save notes with photos ...
you will have two icon .. one for regular app .. and the other for save notes in notification.
simply click + button to add new notes.
Long press on the note for menu with edit ,delete,copy,share and move between Fav.
By click you can see details of the note .
You can take photo and save it direct from the main page .
or you can select from gallery or from camera when you make new note.
you can save these photos or share them after saving.
you change the order of the notes as you like .. as drag it from the small handle in the right.
Simply set password to your app .from the menu.
The powerful thing that you can make backup to your data in case you want to change your phone or you have problem with your phone .it will be on the root with name .. savenote_current_date.back .
and you can export the text as csv file but it will not have photo.
you will have two icon .. one for regular app .. and the other for save notes in notification.
simply click + button to add new notes.
Long press on the note for menu with edit ,delete,copy,share and move between Fav.
By click you can see details of the note .
You can take photo and save it direct from the main page .
or you can select from gallery or from camera when you make new note.
you can save these photos or share them after saving.
you change the order of the notes as you like .. as drag it from the small handle in the right.
Simply set password to your app .from the menu.
The powerful thing that you can make backup to your data in case you want to change your phone or you have problem with your phone .it will be on the root with name .. savenote_current_date.back .
and you can export the text as csv file but it will not have photo.
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