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Pray Your Way Into 2021

MFM Int'l Bookshop
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About Pray Your Way Into 2021

Pray Your way Into The New Year is a yearly prayer and fasting program into the New Year written by Dr. D.K. Olukoya, the general overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries World Wide

Pray Your way Into The New Year is a yearly spiritual program that cannot but yield power and breakthroughs given the covenants that backs it up.

Pray Your Way Into 2021 is the electronic version of the hard copy due to the demand world wide.

Features Includes:

Daily Hymns
Scripture Reading
Bible Confession
Daily Prayer Points
New Year Programme
New Year Programme Hymns
January 2021 PMCH Programme
February 2021 PMCH Programme
Quenching The Rage Prayers

Pray Your Way Into 2021 Screenshots

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