FLY AI software controls the screen by voice integrated with buttons right on the steering wheel.
The user controls the screen with the commands:
Want to enter the map, read the voice command: “Go to / Point to / Go to + address + by Navitel/Googlemap/Vietmap”
Want to go to Youtube read the voice command: "Open video + song name"
Want to open TV go say the voice command: “Watch + channel name”
To see the weather forecast, say the voice command: “Weather + city name”
Want to check tire pressure with integrated screen voice command: “Open Tire Pressure”
Open dash cam: “Open front camera” or “Open dash cam”
Open the right cam and read the command: “Open right camera”
Open left margin cam read the command: “Open left camera”
Make calls via bluetooth and connect to the phone via voice command: "Call + name in contact list or phone number"
Users can open the left, right, back, front camera position with the command after opening the accessibility settings.
The user controls the screen with the commands:
Want to enter the map, read the voice command: “Go to / Point to / Go to + address + by Navitel/Googlemap/Vietmap”
Want to go to Youtube read the voice command: "Open video + song name"
Want to open TV go say the voice command: “Watch + channel name”
To see the weather forecast, say the voice command: “Weather + city name”
Want to check tire pressure with integrated screen voice command: “Open Tire Pressure”
Open dash cam: “Open front camera” or “Open dash cam”
Open the right cam and read the command: “Open right camera”
Open left margin cam read the command: “Open left camera”
Make calls via bluetooth and connect to the phone via voice command: "Call + name in contact list or phone number"
Users can open the left, right, back, front camera position with the command after opening the accessibility settings.
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