FLY AI icon


flycar việt nam
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About FLY AI

FLY AI software controls the screen by voice integrated with buttons right on the steering wheel.
The user controls the screen with the commands:
Want to enter the map, read the voice command: “Go to / Point to / Go to + address + by Navitel/Googlemap/Vietmap”
Want to go to Youtube read the voice command: "Open video + song name"
Want to open TV go say the voice command: “Watch + channel name”
To see the weather forecast, say the voice command: “Weather + city name”
Want to check tire pressure with integrated screen voice command: “Open Tire Pressure”
Open dash cam: “Open front camera” or “Open dash cam”
Open the right cam and read the command: “Open right camera”
Open left margin cam read the command: “Open left camera”
Make calls via bluetooth and connect to the phone via voice command: "Call + name in contact list or phone number"
Users can open the left, right, back, front camera position with the command after opening the accessibility settings.

FLY AI Screenshots