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Ronaldo Video Call Chat

Meridyen Apps
3.9 out of 5
50,000+ downloads

About Ronaldo Video Call Chat

Ronaldo Fake Call
You can create prank calls and set incoming fake call from Ronaldo and enjoy. First of all set the time to receive Ronaldo video call. Set a real voice of Ronaldo when answering a call.

Cristiano Ronaldo Prank Caller & Cristiano Ronaldo Fake chat
Great app for creating an excuse to escape a boring conversation and show people that you are chatting with Cristiano Ronaldo.
With Fun phone call & Cristiano Ronaldo Fake Call you can received prank calls or fake caller with real voice of Cristiano Ronaldo and simulate a real video call of having Cristiano Ronaldo.

- This is not a real call and just an imitation! The app does not have any damage and is just for fun and stop feeling bored and depressed so.
- This app is purely fictional and is not an official app. It's fanmade! In other words, it's not really Ronaldo calling you, but rather, a 100% fake and fictional simulation.

Ronaldo Video Call Chat Screenshots