KJV Bible In 1604 King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611 king james bible free just 85 years after the first translation of the New Testament into English appeared (Tyndale 1526). The Authorized Version or King James Version kjv audio bible quickly became the standard for English-speaking Protestants. Its flowing language and prose rhythm has had a profound influence on the literature of the past 400 years KJV Audio Bible Free. The King James Version present on the Bible Gateway matches the 1987 printing. By the first half of the 18th century the Authorized Version had become effectively unchallenged as the English translation used in Anglican and English Protestant churches except for the Psalms and some short passages in the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. Over the course of the 18th century the Authorized Version supplanted youversion bible app online the Latin Vulgate as the standard version of scripture for English-speaking scholars. With the development of stereotype printing at the beginning of the 19th century this version of the Bible became the most widely printed book in history almost e sword bible app all such printings NIV Bible Free presenting the standard text of 1769 extensively re-edited by Benjamin Blayney at Oxford and youversion bible app free nearly always omitting the books audio bible kjv offline of the Apocrypha. Today the unqualified title "King James Version" usually indicates that this Oxford standard text is meant.
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