Fetan Gebeya is an online market place designed for Ethiopia where sellers and buyer meet. Brought to you by fetan.net
Fetan Gebeya Suppliers can
👉 Post their ads for free
👉 get more customers,
👉 accept orders,
👉 and mange their inventory.
Fetan Gebeya Buyers can get
👉 detailed information about a product or service or can get easy way to contact seller
👉 Product/service reviews
👉 Better prices
Fetan Gebeya - Fetan Market, fetan.net , buy, sell in Ethiopia
Fetan Gebeyat app supports Amharic and English languages
Fetan Gebeya Suppliers can
👉 Post their ads for free
👉 get more customers,
👉 accept orders,
👉 and mange their inventory.
Fetan Gebeya Buyers can get
👉 detailed information about a product or service or can get easy way to contact seller
👉 Product/service reviews
👉 Better prices
Fetan Gebeya - Fetan Market, fetan.net , buy, sell in Ethiopia
Fetan Gebeyat app supports Amharic and English languages
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