Gadisthan Jetpur App provides daily darshan of Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Jetpur-INDIA.
you can also have previous days Darshan using calendar.
The application provides all the image album collection of Gadistah-Jetpur Mandir year wise user can download and share that images.
This application has a very beutiful collection of kirtans, you can play kirtans online and also can download kirtans.
you will get the list of upcoming events of swaminarayan Gadisthan Jetpur also can share that event.
Application Provide great facility of "mantra Lekhan", now you can write SWAMINARAYAN mantra digitally with traditional dhun played by can check the total number of Participants, Top 10 Participants of mantralekhan and total count of mantra.
you can read all history about swaminarayan Gadisthan Jetpur.
This application has the Great facility to watch Live will notify you when live Katha is available.
you can watch all previous videos from this application.
from this application, you will also get regular updates and notification from jetpur swaminarayan mandir.
you can also have previous days Darshan using calendar.
The application provides all the image album collection of Gadistah-Jetpur Mandir year wise user can download and share that images.
This application has a very beutiful collection of kirtans, you can play kirtans online and also can download kirtans.
you will get the list of upcoming events of swaminarayan Gadisthan Jetpur also can share that event.
Application Provide great facility of "mantra Lekhan", now you can write SWAMINARAYAN mantra digitally with traditional dhun played by can check the total number of Participants, Top 10 Participants of mantralekhan and total count of mantra.
you can read all history about swaminarayan Gadisthan Jetpur.
This application has the Great facility to watch Live will notify you when live Katha is available.
you can watch all previous videos from this application.
from this application, you will also get regular updates and notification from jetpur swaminarayan mandir.
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