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Galactig LLP
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About Sibrwd

Access to theatre in any language – straight to your mobile device.
With Sibrwd, you can enjoy a live theatre performance, whatever the language spoken on stage. The app can also help you make more of your experience at a live event through additional content delivered straight to your device.
Sibrwd was developed by Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru and Galactig with support from Nesta, Arts & Humanities Research Council, the National Lottery through Arts Council of Wales and the EU’s Creative Europe.

Mynediad i theatr mewn unrhyw iaith - yn syth i'ch dyfais symudol.
Gyda Sibrwd, gallwch fwynhau perfformiad theatr byw, beth bynnag yw'r iaith ar y llwyfan. Gall yr ap hefyd eich helpu i wneud y mwyaf o'ch profiad mewn digwyddiad byw gyda chynnwys ychwanegol yn syth i'ch dyfais.
Datblygwyd Sibrwd gan Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru a Galactig gyda chefnogaeth gan Nesta, Cyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau, y Loteri Genedlaethol trwy Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ac Ewrop Greadigol yr UE.

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