Light, optimized, simple and objective application.
This is a tool to assist you in calculating rates of the most famous card machines.
Ideal for calculations of:
Paid Market
CrediCard Pop
Super Get
More calculators will be added soon.
*** This application was produced independently and has no commercial connection with the companies mentioned above ***
Our goal is to help you user calculate the fees!
"Terms and conditions of use"
1) This APP was developed independently, and is NOT linked to any card machine operating company
2) The calculations made in this APP may contain rounding errors
3) Any problem found in the calculations or in the functioning of this APP should NOT be attributed to any card machine operating company
4) The calculations made in this APP may be out of date due to changes in rates
This is a tool to assist you in calculating rates of the most famous card machines.
Ideal for calculations of:
Paid Market
CrediCard Pop
Super Get
More calculators will be added soon.
*** This application was produced independently and has no commercial connection with the companies mentioned above ***
Our goal is to help you user calculate the fees!
"Terms and conditions of use"
1) This APP was developed independently, and is NOT linked to any card machine operating company
2) The calculations made in this APP may contain rounding errors
3) Any problem found in the calculations or in the functioning of this APP should NOT be attributed to any card machine operating company
4) The calculations made in this APP may be out of date due to changes in rates
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