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Where's My Gold

GameEase Studio
50+ downloads

About Where's My Gold

Welcome to Where's My Gold, the latest kind of puzzle game. Just like the pull the pin game, draw to save game and dog rescue game, this game is very simple. But the game play of Where's My Gold is quite different.

The miner in mining have to collect the gold from the pipe. But the deep holes on the way would make the gold drain and slip away! Can you block the hole and let the miner get the gold?
How to play:
1. Touch the screen to cut the dirt and let the stone ball fall
2. The stone ball blocks the hole
3. Gold flows from the pipe into the miner's truck
4. Pass the level and win huge rewards

Some skills are required to pass the levels. The direction and the speed of the cutting should be considered. The stones of different sizes should block the holes with corresponding sizes. There are also pitfalls in some levels. The tricks lie in many levels and challenge the brain.The game is a little brain twisting for workers.
Where's my gold game highlight:
1. Many puzzle and interesting levels
2. Fun and relaxing game play
3. Amazing spare time killer
4. Super fun flowing physics
5. Use your brain to solve the puzzles

Let’s rescue the gold, which would slip from the pipe and help the miner in his mining work. Protect the gold from draining. The worker would be glad when he got enough gold. Get ready for a new seek game, miner game right now.

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