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Arcade Slots

4.4 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About Arcade Slots

Are you ready for the best slots game ever?

ArcadeSlots is a good casual game to kill time, once you play you can never stop!

Challenge yourself by pressing the button to spin, try you best to win the Jackpot and trigger the mini games to have more fun.

How to play:
1. Click the button to spin. After the slot starts, click the button to stop the corresponding reel;

2. If the three images are the same, you won the corresponding rewards.

3. BONUS GAME will randomly select a mini game and get rewards after passing;

4. After JACKPOT, there will show 5 mini games in turn, each time you pass one you get a reward, and the final reward is accumulated;

5. Mini games have 5 completely different playing methods, please pay attention to the tips before the start of each game;

-Fun games: Five funny games to help you release pressure.

-Wonderful animation, music, and graphics

-User-friendly and easy-to-learn interface

-One tap and easy control

Arcade Slots Screenshots