Welcome to the world of color and movement.
Relax and poke around to discover 20 or so different reactions.
Vision of the app
- no words, no letters, no instructions
- respond to common user stuff
- provide different layers to discover
- give a sense of progress
- for the last 18 months I've been slowly learning android programming
- demo this app had something moving, and some responding
- based on how people used it, add more gesture support
- at first it used 50 MB due to lots of large bitmap usage
- today it writes big stuff directly on the view canvas
- this is the free app to try stuff out
- I hope to create lots of smaller apps that focus on parts of what slow tap slider shares
This is my first release of an app for android.
I am actively working in the code, any feedback will direct my efforts.
I wrote this game for myself.
I wanted a super obscure puzzle to explore,
something to hack into and figure out.
I wanted something slow, to build patients,
to help me be present, to practice meditation,
to breathe slowly.
There is some dormant code, to build shapes with textures rather than colors.
The textures gives the illusion of a surface standing up, laying down, moving sideways.
Relax and poke around to discover 20 or so different reactions.
Vision of the app
- no words, no letters, no instructions
- respond to common user stuff
- provide different layers to discover
- give a sense of progress
- for the last 18 months I've been slowly learning android programming
- demo this app had something moving, and some responding
- based on how people used it, add more gesture support
- at first it used 50 MB due to lots of large bitmap usage
- today it writes big stuff directly on the view canvas
- this is the free app to try stuff out
- I hope to create lots of smaller apps that focus on parts of what slow tap slider shares
This is my first release of an app for android.
I am actively working in the code, any feedback will direct my efforts.
I wrote this game for myself.
I wanted a super obscure puzzle to explore,
something to hack into and figure out.
I wanted something slow, to build patients,
to help me be present, to practice meditation,
to breathe slowly.
There is some dormant code, to build shapes with textures rather than colors.
The textures gives the illusion of a surface standing up, laying down, moving sideways.
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