Infinite practices of four basic mathematical operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This educational game is suitable for school level students but useful for all those who is interested in mathematics. You can play this game with the challenge of correctness and time. You must try to increase right percent and decrease average time. Right percent is calculated by right answer out of total questions. So you can increase it by increase right answers and decreasing wrong answers. Average time is calculated by total time by right answers. So you can decrease it by answering quickly and correctly.
1. Infinite practices for basic mathematical operations.
2. Can be played challengingly for speed and correctness.
3. 'Wao' sound for correct answer and 'Sorry' sound for wrong answer.
4. Popup with happy face for correct answer and sad face for wrong answer.
5. Each game is with seven different level.
6. Number of level indicates number of digits.
7. Sound can be muted.
1. Infinite practices for basic mathematical operations.
2. Can be played challengingly for speed and correctness.
3. 'Wao' sound for correct answer and 'Sorry' sound for wrong answer.
4. Popup with happy face for correct answer and sad face for wrong answer.
5. Each game is with seven different level.
6. Number of level indicates number of digits.
7. Sound can be muted.
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