Кот Тома питомец Тамагочи icon

Кот Тома питомец Тамагочи

3.6 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Кот Тома питомец Тамагочи

Tom - virtual pets and talking animals Tamagotchi.

Your Tamagotchi know many interesting facts that you did not guess.
Tamagotchi like a child demanding attention, communicate with them as often as possible.
You become the master of your character, Tom loves when care for it.
You can train the pet and learn with them.
Try it, it's fun!

In the next version of the game will be more Tamagotchi pets and the chance to see their animals speaking adults.
Thank you to Toma speaking Tamagotchi love new friends!

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Comments and suggestions: https://vk.com/topic-62633554_29274410

Кот Тома питомец Тамагочи Screenshots