This is the older version of the Gaudiya Kirtan app. To download the current beta version, press "Gaudiya Vednta Publications" below the app title at the very top of the page, or click on the link below:
Download the new Beta version
The gaudiya kirtan app gives users the ability to freely access hundreds of songs and prayers by Gauḍīya Vaisnava saints.
What's inside this old version:
• the songs of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava ācāryas in their original Bengali/Sanskrit script
• roman transliterations
• fresh translations by a team of bhaktas and scholars dedicated to unbiased fidelity to the author's prayers.
• word-by-word translations
• forgiving search algorithms
• a list of song titles in alphabetical order
• a list of songs grouped by author
• a list of songs grouped by topics and sub-topics
Download the new Beta version
The gaudiya kirtan app gives users the ability to freely access hundreds of songs and prayers by Gauḍīya Vaisnava saints.
What's inside this old version:
• the songs of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava ācāryas in their original Bengali/Sanskrit script
• roman transliterations
• fresh translations by a team of bhaktas and scholars dedicated to unbiased fidelity to the author's prayers.
• word-by-word translations
• forgiving search algorithms
• a list of song titles in alphabetical order
• a list of songs grouped by author
• a list of songs grouped by topics and sub-topics
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