Apps that everyone likes. Apps that include most Japanese tales, including text to read. And sound Great for people who want or want to study Japanese. The use of Japanese in everyday life. Learn Japanese Basic Basic Japanese vocabulary Simple to learn from the story. The practice of both reading and listening pronunciation will have a clear accent.
The story of a Japanese fairy tale, the story of Aesop. Japanese Language Education Tales I have to fix it. You will be accentuated in Japanese speech and accurate
The app is designed to be easy to use and beautiful. The sound of the story in Japanese to make you do not want to read it can listen to the Japanese atmosphere to another.
The story of a Japanese fairy tale, the story of Aesop. Japanese Language Education Tales I have to fix it. You will be accentuated in Japanese speech and accurate
The app is designed to be easy to use and beautiful. The sound of the story in Japanese to make you do not want to read it can listen to the Japanese atmosphere to another.
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