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فروغی بسطامی

ZodTond Developers
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About فروغی بسطامی

Forough Bastami Works
This software is a complete reference to all the works of Forough Bastami, and a variety of tools that are very useful for you in this application to provide the best experience during the study.
You can highlight your favorite texts and banners and see a list of all your featured articles. You can also bookmark each book to display the last place you read, so that you can always go back to the same place.
You can also put your favorite lyrics in the favorites list.
Various settings like different templates and font types and text sizes are provided for your study convenience.
You can easily share your favorites and texts with your friends.

    • Full reference to all the works of Forough Bastami
    • Select the application template
    • Different fonts for displaying texts
    • Variable font size to display texts
    • Highlight favorite texts and texts
    • Mark the last place you read
    • Put lyrics in the favorite list
    • Share texts with friends
    • Very nice functional design
    • Remember the poetry game!

For more information, visit http://www.zodtond.com/.

فروغی بسطامی Screenshots