General Knowlwdge app contain 3000+ differents types of Questions related to World and Indian General knowledge.We are developed general knowledge app by considering all your requirement
in aspect of all the competition exam. After using this app you will become a strong knowledge person in world and indian general knowledge. This General knowledge app is not only for a specific
exam. It is useful for all the competition exam which contain World and India General knowlwdge in their syllabus.A lot of people's taking advantages of this app and selected in different
Government exam. Really one you try you can't forgot it.In this General Knowledge app we categories all world & indian general knowledge into five (5) parts. These parts are as follow:-
(1) World and Indian History.
(2) World and Indian Geography.
(3)World and Indian Political.
(4)General Science.
(5)World and Indian Economics.
In all the above five parts of general knowledge app every part contain average 600+ number of questions.All the questions of this general knowledge app are important questions in aspect
of all the government exam.We provides facility of search a question in this app. If you want to search a question in this app then write that question inside search question box in hindi
language .If question is present in this general knowledge app then it show that question with answer in a dialog box.We will add more questions inside this General Knowledge app.We are also
publish some more apps related to different types of exam preparation.If you have any query/suggestion realted to this General Knowledge app or my other app then send me on my emailid Thanks to visit and Download my app.
in aspect of all the competition exam. After using this app you will become a strong knowledge person in world and indian general knowledge. This General knowledge app is not only for a specific
exam. It is useful for all the competition exam which contain World and India General knowlwdge in their syllabus.A lot of people's taking advantages of this app and selected in different
Government exam. Really one you try you can't forgot it.In this General Knowledge app we categories all world & indian general knowledge into five (5) parts. These parts are as follow:-
(1) World and Indian History.
(2) World and Indian Geography.
(3)World and Indian Political.
(4)General Science.
(5)World and Indian Economics.
In all the above five parts of general knowledge app every part contain average 600+ number of questions.All the questions of this general knowledge app are important questions in aspect
of all the government exam.We provides facility of search a question in this app. If you want to search a question in this app then write that question inside search question box in hindi
language .If question is present in this general knowledge app then it show that question with answer in a dialog box.We will add more questions inside this General Knowledge app.We are also
publish some more apps related to different types of exam preparation.If you have any query/suggestion realted to this General Knowledge app or my other app then send me on my emailid Thanks to visit and Download my app.
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