MON REPETITEUR is a school platform which aims to provide pupils and students with an adequate solution solving the problem of lack of school supervision which we face today in our different education systems precisely in Togo and Africa by providing resource persons who can offer quality home school education services in order to boost the capacities and aptitudes of young learners for better productivity.
Thus the student concerned could easily find a coach according to his needs, resources and locality or even; the needy parent could in this case use this platform in order to find a quality repeater for their child (ren) based on the pre-established objectives. This product is only in its first phase and we are working to provide a quality user experience and new features in the very near future in order to be at the cutting edge of technology.
Thus the student concerned could easily find a coach according to his needs, resources and locality or even; the needy parent could in this case use this platform in order to find a quality repeater for their child (ren) based on the pre-established objectives. This product is only in its first phase and we are working to provide a quality user experience and new features in the very near future in order to be at the cutting edge of technology.
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