Blue Whale Lock Screen
Beautiful and protect lock screen wallpaper. Free!
Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth.
These magnificent marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long
and upwards of 200 tons. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant.
Their hearts, as much as an automobile.
This Lock helps protect your phone.
You have to just enable pin lock in settings in this app.
Check out our account for more beautiful lock screens backgrounds!
* Enter pin to unlock.
* Beautiful Wallpapers.
* Unlock sound enable/disable.
* Change Time Format.
* Change Unlock Text.
Beautiful and protect lock screen wallpaper. Free!
Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth.
These magnificent marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long
and upwards of 200 tons. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant.
Their hearts, as much as an automobile.
This Lock helps protect your phone.
You have to just enable pin lock in settings in this app.
Check out our account for more beautiful lock screens backgrounds!
* Enter pin to unlock.
* Beautiful Wallpapers.
* Unlock sound enable/disable.
* Change Time Format.
* Change Unlock Text.
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