Loper is the world's first true personalized college search tool. In just a few minutes, discover the schools that fit you best.
Create an account, build your profile, and swipe right and left on personalized prompts to get matched with colleges and universities as you go!
Our platform has 250+ different questions for you to answer and nearly 1,000 schools for you to match with. Now, it's easier than ever to find out which school gives you your dream experience! Once you're done, export your school list to share with your counselor, parent, or friends, or edit your answers to see how your matches change!
Create an account, build your profile, and swipe right and left on personalized prompts to get matched with colleges and universities as you go!
Our platform has 250+ different questions for you to answer and nearly 1,000 schools for you to match with. Now, it's easier than ever to find out which school gives you your dream experience! Once you're done, export your school list to share with your counselor, parent, or friends, or edit your answers to see how your matches change!
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