FM BANK (MN) icon


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About FM BANK (MN)

You can manage your accounts, make deposits, find ATMs and more.
Now It is easy to do banking 24/7, right from your iPhone. To start, just enroll in FM BANK Online.

Monitor Your Account:
- See account balances & transaction history

Perform Transactions:
- Make deposits with Mobile Deposit
- Pay bills
- Transfer money between FM BANK Accounts

Find Locations:
- Find the nearest FM BANK locations

Disclosure: Some features are available for eligible customers and accounts only.

There is no charge from FM BANK, but message and data rates may apply. Such charges include those from your communications service provider. Delivery of alerts may be delayed for various reasons, including service outages affecting your phone, wireless or internet provider; technology failures; and system capacity limitations. Any time you review your balances, keep in mind it may not reflect all transactions including recent debit card transaction or checks you have written.

If you are not already a FM BANK Online user, you must register for online banking.

FM BANK (MN) Screenshots