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About Soal CPNS

CPNS Questions is a CPNS questions practice application that helps you practice more CPNS questions, so you can master the types of questions that often come out on the CPNS test.

The material in the CPNS Question application:
1. Antonym
2. Synonyms
3. Analogy
4. Logic
5. General Intelligence
6. Personal Characteristics
7. Arithmetic
8. Draw
9. Equivalent Relationship
10. Indonesian
11. English
12. Structure
13. History
14. State Policy
15. State Administration
16. UUD 1945 and Amendments
17. National Insight
18. Philosophy and Ideology
19. Speed ​​and Accuracy
20. Reading
21. General Intelligence Test

The features contained in this application include:
- Consists of 100 questions divided for the Personal Characteristics Test (TKP), the General Intelligence Test (TIU), and the National Insights Test (TWK).
- The time given to work on the questions is 90 minutes.
- After you finish working, the value will appear automatically.
- Equipped with an answer key along with the discussion.
- This CPNS CAT simulation can be repeated.

What are you waiting for, immediately prepare yourself from now on by studying CPNS questions.

Good luck, good luck!!

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