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Ita program training
How to install ITA / create an ITA account / create a user account in ITA / create a username for ITA / create an ITA account without a number / install ITA with one number in two phones / two ITA programs in one phone / create multiple accounts in one ITA / exit ETA and ETA Web/ How to install two ETA/ How to use ETA Web? / Why is it not installed? / What devices is it installed on? / Change number in ETA / How to change ETA profile / Create ETA virtual number / ETA privacy settings / Create channel in ETA / Create group in ETA / Difference between channel and group in ETA / How to convert channel to group in ETA? / Hiding the channel in ETA / Deleting the ETA channel by admin / Converting the private channel to public / Deleting the group in ETA / Where is the link of the ETA group? / How to lock a group in ETA / Sending a voice message in ETA / Voice settings in ETA / How to use hashtags in ETA? / Video call in ETA / How to block in ETA / How to leave a survey in ETA / How to return deleted messages in ETA? / How to advertise our channel in Ita? / How to find a channel in Ita? / How to clear ita history? / Viewing contacts in ETA / Reason for not viewing contacts rejected by ETA / Updating contacts in ETA / Recovering deleted ETA account / How to delete ETA messages? / Why is the movie not sent in ETA? / How to send videos in ETA / How to remove ETA ads? / Activation of ITA two-step verification / Forgetting ITA two-step verification / Removing ITA two-step verification / How to delete ITA contacts / Deleting active meetings in ITA / Is ITA safe? / Training to delete ita account

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