GIDEON Informatics Inc
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GIDEON is ideally suited to save time in Point-of-Care settings while empowering clinicians to consider all possible scenarios. It is a powerful learning tool for Microbiology, Public Health, and Medical students and Residents.

Unique features:

* Dynamic comparison tables for diseases, drugs, and pathogens
* Bayesian analysis-based differential diagnosis (DDx) and pathogen identification tools
* First Case Scenario, developed in consultation with the WHO to identify initial cases of known diseases in new settings
* Why Not feature, explaining why a given disease did not appear on the list
* Interactive historical disease outbreaks and distribution maps, with data going back as far as 1348 AD
* A vast epidemiological database covering 230+ geographical areas, updated daily

What's inside?

360+ infectious diseases
30,000+ anti-infective drug trade names
75+ vaccines
2,000+ pathogens
235 countries and territories
99,000+ prevalence and seroprevalence surveys
38,000+ graphs
3,200+ images
27,000+ outbreaks
24,000+ country-specific notes
300,000+ references