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Date / Age Calculator

Gujarat Infotech Limited
1,000+ downloads

About Date / Age Calculator

Do you find it tedious to find how old you are or how many days are left till your next birth day? Now it is a child’s play with our mobile Date Calculator App. It fact, Date Calculator would be a misnomer for our App as it has versatile uses for your day to day work. It can calculate numbers of days between any two dates. e.g. how older than you is your elder brother or for how many days your Fixed Deposit has run with your bank. In addition to such basic functions, our App has following functions:
· Date + Days = New Date and Day (what date and day will come after given numbers of days from a given date).
Its useful for days counting.

· Time Unit Converter (Range : Month to Microsecond)

· Nos of all the seven week days between two given dates

· You can Share the app through various social media channels / emails

· It is light weight and user friendly

· You can Rate the app

· App provides more information about our Company so that you can contact us, if need arises

· You can also download our other free apps which are found very useful.

Just download our App, give it a try and find out how it is better than other such apps making round in mobile telephony.

Date / Age Calculator Screenshots