سورة البقرة مكتوبة بدون انترنت icon

سورة البقرة مكتوبة بدون انترنت

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About سورة البقرة مكتوبة بدون انترنت

Surat Al-Baqara written without the net is our new application that contains Surat Al-Baqara writing in clear handwriting in addition to Surat Al-Baqara as a complete reading with the possibility of downloading the surah to work without an internet connection

This program includes Surat Al-Baqarah written in a workshop narration with the accompanying interpretation of the surah

Surat Al-Baqara without the Internet is the second surah in terms of arrangement in the Holy Qur’an, and it is civil, and it is the first surah revealed in Medina, the number of its verses is 286, and it contains the longest verse in the Qur’an, which is verse of religion No. 282.

It was given this name, and God knows best, because of what was mentioned in it of the story of Moses, peace be upon him, with his people regarding the dead man whose killer he did not know, so God commanded Moses to order his people to slaughter a cow, whatever it was.

Surat Al-Baqara is considered the longest surah in the Holy Qur’an, and it is the first surah revealed in Medina, with the exception of the verse (and fear a day when you will be returned to God), as it was revealed during the Farewell Pilgrimage, and this is considered a Meccan verse. And Surat Al-Baqara has a great virtue and a lot of reward, and it is of great greatness, containing in its folds some rulings and verses of incantation, and like other civil suras, Surat Al-Baqara dealt with a number of topics, the most important of which is Islamic legislation

We ask God to make His dear Book an asset for us on the day we meet Him

If you have a question or inquiry, you can contact us via our e-mail, with many thanks.

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