Guess the Number and Make Money! Guess if the next number is Bigger or Smaller and earn as much as you can! Prove your friends you are the best and get paid!
Awesome Free game! Got luck? Try it now and if you guess, get cash right away! Get greater cash rewards!
Bigger or Smaller by Givvy is 100% free to download and play with no in-app purchases or deposits.
No in-app purchases!
Invite friends and prove you are the best! The more you play, the more money you will make!
Download now and try your luck. Every day is a chance to win real cash, instantly!
Withdraw directly to PayPal, Coinbase, Binance, Amazon or another virtual wallet.
PayPal - direct transfer to your PayPal Account
Coinbase, Amazon or other virtual wallets - direct transfer to your accounts
*Cash-out amounts above our minimum withdrawal to your PayPal account any time of the day! Payments can take up to 7 days before they are delivered to your cash-out provider, most will take less than 24 hours or will be even instant
Awesome Free game! Got luck? Try it now and if you guess, get cash right away! Get greater cash rewards!
Bigger or Smaller by Givvy is 100% free to download and play with no in-app purchases or deposits.
No in-app purchases!
Invite friends and prove you are the best! The more you play, the more money you will make!
Download now and try your luck. Every day is a chance to win real cash, instantly!
Withdraw directly to PayPal, Coinbase, Binance, Amazon or another virtual wallet.
PayPal - direct transfer to your PayPal Account
Coinbase, Amazon or other virtual wallets - direct transfer to your accounts
*Cash-out amounts above our minimum withdrawal to your PayPal account any time of the day! Payments can take up to 7 days before they are delivered to your cash-out provider, most will take less than 24 hours or will be even instant
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