- Techlog / Time calculators.
Check your mental maths! No more striking through errors!
- Fuel Calculator.
Calculates fuel uplift Litres (L) from kilograms (KG) and compensates the Specific Gravity (SG) for temperature. Also allows manual entry of custom SG’s, calculation of US GAL/LBS and vice versa.
- Weather Requests
Download current METAR and TAF data, including nearest airports based on a radius calculation (50-250 nm). Colour coded responses returned for single requests. i.e. RED if date is not valid, GREEN for CAVOK conditions, BLUE for FG etc...
- Last Push! FTL Calculator
Getting delayed? ATC on strike again? Helps you work out the last time to push taking into account your expected flight, taxi times and available FDP.
- Station Info
Lookup IATA/ICAO airport codes, view various bits of information, sunrise, sunset, time zone and also view the location via google maps within the app.
- Threats
Some briefing ideas to help think and mitigate threats! Not exhaustive!
- Toolkit
Quickly access common conversions. Temperature, Fahrenheit / Celsius. Distance Nautical Miles / Statute Miles / Feet / Kilometers. Speed conversion Knots / Miles per Hour.
- Registration Lookup
Ever wondered where that whitetail or swanky bizjet on the stand next door calls home? Check out the prefix and view associated information, including country data and national flag.
- Settings
Allows selection of home base for quicker requests throughout the application.
Caution. This application is not for operational use. Airport information may be outdated or inaccurate. Note that the weather, station and country information is requested from external sources and therefore the accuracy and availability of these requests cannot be guaranteed . This app is not intended as a substitute for an official preflight weather briefing or for your company documentation, neither does it absolve you of poor mental maths or awareness of Flight Time Limitations! Suggested threats are not exhaustive. Always crosscheck with official sources.
Check your mental maths! No more striking through errors!
- Fuel Calculator.
Calculates fuel uplift Litres (L) from kilograms (KG) and compensates the Specific Gravity (SG) for temperature. Also allows manual entry of custom SG’s, calculation of US GAL/LBS and vice versa.
- Weather Requests
Download current METAR and TAF data, including nearest airports based on a radius calculation (50-250 nm). Colour coded responses returned for single requests. i.e. RED if date is not valid, GREEN for CAVOK conditions, BLUE for FG etc...
- Last Push! FTL Calculator
Getting delayed? ATC on strike again? Helps you work out the last time to push taking into account your expected flight, taxi times and available FDP.
- Station Info
Lookup IATA/ICAO airport codes, view various bits of information, sunrise, sunset, time zone and also view the location via google maps within the app.
- Threats
Some briefing ideas to help think and mitigate threats! Not exhaustive!
- Toolkit
Quickly access common conversions. Temperature, Fahrenheit / Celsius. Distance Nautical Miles / Statute Miles / Feet / Kilometers. Speed conversion Knots / Miles per Hour.
- Registration Lookup
Ever wondered where that whitetail or swanky bizjet on the stand next door calls home? Check out the prefix and view associated information, including country data and national flag.
- Settings
Allows selection of home base for quicker requests throughout the application.
Caution. This application is not for operational use. Airport information may be outdated or inaccurate. Note that the weather, station and country information is requested from external sources and therefore the accuracy and availability of these requests cannot be guaranteed . This app is not intended as a substitute for an official preflight weather briefing or for your company documentation, neither does it absolve you of poor mental maths or awareness of Flight Time Limitations! Suggested threats are not exhaustive. Always crosscheck with official sources.
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