If you too have been looking for a long time for a radio that would combine Torah, music and Sim'ha 24/7, then you have just found: Torah-Box has just launched Torah-Box Radio, the 1st radio 100% Torah, 100 % music, 100% Sim'ha!
Torah on the air: with Torah-Box Radio, fill up on Torah: find a Daf Hayomi class with Rav Ichay Assayag every morning at 7 a.m. 7.45 am). Then head for the Moussar with a course on the famous Messilat Yécharim du Ram’hal with Rav Eliahou Uzan (8h).
Enjoy exciting lessons every evening at 9 p.m. with your favorite Rabbanim: Rav Yossef-'Haïm Sitruk (Sunday), Rav Ya'akov Sitruk (Monday), Rav Raphaël Sadin (Tuesday), Rav Shimon Gobert (Wednesday) and Rav David 'Hanania Pinto (Thursday).
And throughout the day, find your favorite sections: Halakha-Time, the ‘Hizouk of the day, 1 History for Chabbath, Jewish thought, etc.
The best of Jewish music, 24 hours a day!
Don't miss the best of Jewish music on Torah-Box radio!
Find every day 1 hour non-stop of Mizra’hi music (11h) and 1h non-stop of the last hits of jewish music (16h). And every Friday, special Chabbath music at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
100% Sim’ha radio
Increase the volume and make way for Sim’ha!
Enjoy a 100% Sim’ha evening every Saturday evening with a special Mélavé Malka program. On the program: games, songs, Divré Torah and good atmosphere guaranteed!
And find every Friday La Box à Gourmandises, your culinary show where delicacies come out of their box ...
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Torah on the air: with Torah-Box Radio, fill up on Torah: find a Daf Hayomi class with Rav Ichay Assayag every morning at 7 a.m. 7.45 am). Then head for the Moussar with a course on the famous Messilat Yécharim du Ram’hal with Rav Eliahou Uzan (8h).
Enjoy exciting lessons every evening at 9 p.m. with your favorite Rabbanim: Rav Yossef-'Haïm Sitruk (Sunday), Rav Ya'akov Sitruk (Monday), Rav Raphaël Sadin (Tuesday), Rav Shimon Gobert (Wednesday) and Rav David 'Hanania Pinto (Thursday).
And throughout the day, find your favorite sections: Halakha-Time, the ‘Hizouk of the day, 1 History for Chabbath, Jewish thought, etc.
The best of Jewish music, 24 hours a day!
Don't miss the best of Jewish music on Torah-Box radio!
Find every day 1 hour non-stop of Mizra’hi music (11h) and 1h non-stop of the last hits of jewish music (16h). And every Friday, special Chabbath music at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
100% Sim’ha radio
Increase the volume and make way for Sim’ha!
Enjoy a 100% Sim’ha evening every Saturday evening with a special Mélavé Malka program. On the program: games, songs, Divré Torah and good atmosphere guaranteed!
And find every Friday La Box à Gourmandises, your culinary show where delicacies come out of their box ...
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