I am pleased to present the 6th edition of the "Handbook of Hematopoietic Transplantation and Cell Therapy" made possible thanks to the help of the exceptional co-editors of this edition and our sponsors.
Unlike previous editions, this edition will only be available in app format for the main mobile platforms and on the website www.manual-tph.com. Both offer very interesting possibilities such as periodically introducing notable novelties without having to wait for a new edition; the agility of consultation, thanks to the hyperlinks between chapters; the possibility of downloading the referenced free access bibliography, and access to web pages with useful material, such as online index calculators. The website also offers the possibility of viewing it in a larger format, greater agility in locating keywords and the possibility of printing the chapters.
The Manual is divided into sections, each with a list of chapters from which the topic to be consulted can be opened directly. The app also has: a keyword search engine that links to the corresponding chapter, the possibility of taking notes, consulting abbreviations, downloading in PDF format for printing, or the option of selecting the favorite chapters for further consultation. agile.
My thanks go to:
- Drs. Montserrat Rovira and David Valcarcel, for their help in preparing the index, selecting authors, and writing a large part of the chapters, as well as for their commitment to continue in the future.
- The 130 authors (20 of them foreigners) who have selflessly collaborated in the preparation of the 95 chapters of the Manual and who have endured my bombardment of questions, suggestions and requirements.
- The Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) for allowing us to use the images with their results.
- The alma mater of the app version, Dr. Juan Pablo Burgués (Go-Space) and my son, Enric, for their collaboration in preparing the electronic version.
- Amgen and the Josep Carreras International Foundation, without whose sponsorship this new edition would not be possible.
- My family, for putting up with me, once again, during the more than 9 months in which I have practically disappeared to be able to complete the Manual within the established deadlines and in the middle of the pandemic.
To all of them thank you very much.
Enric Carreras
January 15, 2022
The authors have made every effort to ensure that the indications and doses contained in this Manual are correct and generally recommended by Health Authorities, National and International Hematopoietic Transplantation Organizations and the medical literature, at the time. of the publication of the work.
However, we want to warn readers that they should consult the recommendations and information periodically provided by the Health Authorities, the aforementioned Organizations and the manufacturers of the products, and that we cannot be held responsible for the consequences that may arise from any errors in the text that may have gone unnoticed.
Finally, when there is more than one option admitted for the management or treatment of a given situation, the book's recommendations exclusively express the authors' preference, without indicating that other options may not be effective or recommended.
This application has been funded by the Josep Carreras International Foundation and Amgen. The conclusions, interpretations and opinions expressed in it correspond exclusively to their authors. Both entities decline any responsibility for its content.
Unlike previous editions, this edition will only be available in app format for the main mobile platforms and on the website www.manual-tph.com. Both offer very interesting possibilities such as periodically introducing notable novelties without having to wait for a new edition; the agility of consultation, thanks to the hyperlinks between chapters; the possibility of downloading the referenced free access bibliography, and access to web pages with useful material, such as online index calculators. The website also offers the possibility of viewing it in a larger format, greater agility in locating keywords and the possibility of printing the chapters.
The Manual is divided into sections, each with a list of chapters from which the topic to be consulted can be opened directly. The app also has: a keyword search engine that links to the corresponding chapter, the possibility of taking notes, consulting abbreviations, downloading in PDF format for printing, or the option of selecting the favorite chapters for further consultation. agile.
My thanks go to:
- Drs. Montserrat Rovira and David Valcarcel, for their help in preparing the index, selecting authors, and writing a large part of the chapters, as well as for their commitment to continue in the future.
- The 130 authors (20 of them foreigners) who have selflessly collaborated in the preparation of the 95 chapters of the Manual and who have endured my bombardment of questions, suggestions and requirements.
- The Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) for allowing us to use the images with their results.
- The alma mater of the app version, Dr. Juan Pablo Burgués (Go-Space) and my son, Enric, for their collaboration in preparing the electronic version.
- Amgen and the Josep Carreras International Foundation, without whose sponsorship this new edition would not be possible.
- My family, for putting up with me, once again, during the more than 9 months in which I have practically disappeared to be able to complete the Manual within the established deadlines and in the middle of the pandemic.
To all of them thank you very much.
Enric Carreras
January 15, 2022
The authors have made every effort to ensure that the indications and doses contained in this Manual are correct and generally recommended by Health Authorities, National and International Hematopoietic Transplantation Organizations and the medical literature, at the time. of the publication of the work.
However, we want to warn readers that they should consult the recommendations and information periodically provided by the Health Authorities, the aforementioned Organizations and the manufacturers of the products, and that we cannot be held responsible for the consequences that may arise from any errors in the text that may have gone unnoticed.
Finally, when there is more than one option admitted for the management or treatment of a given situation, the book's recommendations exclusively express the authors' preference, without indicating that other options may not be effective or recommended.
This application has been funded by the Josep Carreras International Foundation and Amgen. The conclusions, interpretations and opinions expressed in it correspond exclusively to their authors. Both entities decline any responsibility for its content.
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