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GTM Inspection

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About GTM Inspection

Nursery monitoring App
As name suggests this is a simple android app developed by Green Tamil Nadu Mission for capturing Nursery activities under Green Tamil Nadu Mission. This App helps in assessing the Nursery quality and stage wise progress and also helps the implementing person to track the nursery activities. This app collects data in real time basis from the nurseries directly and uploads into the Green Tamilnadu mission portal.
Mission aims in increasing the state’s tree and forest cover from 23.69% to 33% through Afforestation activities on the degraded forest landscape and tree planting activities in Farm lands, fallow lands, educational Institutions, temple lands, sacred groves, Industrial areas, tank foreshore, padugai areas and areas under the control of Defense and police establishments in Tamil Nadu. Under this mission there are 260 nurseries in 43 forest division throughout the State. This app helps in creating a database of activities that are required to be carried out in a nursery which will be directly uploaded not the portal.
Plantation monitoring App
As name suggests this is a simple android app developed by Green Tamil Nadu Mission for capturing Plantation activities under Green Tamil Nadu Mission. This App helps in assessing the plantation quality and survival of seedlings in the field and also helps the implementing person to track the planting activities. This app collects data in real time basis from the sites directly and uploads into the Green Tamilnadu mission portal.
Mission aims in increasing the state’s tree and forest cover from 23.69% to 33% through Afforestation activities on the degraded forest landscape and tree planting activities in Farm lands, fallow lands, educational Institutions, temple lands, sacred groves, Industrial areas, tank foreshore, padugai areas and areas under the control of Defense and police establishments in Tamil Nadu. GTM is an umbrella mission which brings all plantation activities taken up in the state under common platform and employ’s Bottom-up approach in planning, finalisation of targets and planting. Under GTM geo tagging of all locations taken up for planting will be done through this app for proper follow up and monitoring of the planted sites.
Inspection App
As name suggests this is a simple android app developed by Green Tamil Nadu Mission for undertaking field inspection by various categories of officers and third-party monitoring agencies. This app revolutionizes in making the inspections more objective rather than subjective with set of predefined questions. This app provides for taking nursery photographs and tagging photos with issue reporting. This app collects data in real time basis from the sites directly and uploads into the Green Tamilnadu mission portal.
Mission aims in increasing the state’s tree and forest cover from 23.69% to 33% through Afforestation activities on the degraded forest landscape and tree planting activities in Farm lands, fallow lands, educational Institutions, temple lands, sacred groves, Industrial areas, tank foreshore, padugai areas and areas under the control of Defense and police establishments in Tamil Nadu. This app provides for technology Integration for quality planting stock and for developing GIS based verifiable Reporting and Monitoring mechanism under the scheme. This mobile app helps to monitor the plantations through geo-tagging and web-based GIS enabled monitoring tools. Nursery quality and plantation quality of each and every nursery and plantation can be collected using the app on real time basis.

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