All onepoint on your mobile!
Want to consult the onepoint of job offers? Access our news and blogs?
Manage your holidays or track your activity report?
By downloading the application onepoint Portal, you can:
- Access our news and blogs
- Consult our service offerings
- Consult our publications
- Browse and apply for our vacancies
- Consult our son Twitter
- Contact us
For onepoint collaborator personalized space allows you to:
- View and enter your vacation requests
- Consult your leave balance
- Be alerted in real-time validation of your holidays
- View and enter your expense
- Consult your rendering account activity
- Create a Helpdesk ticket
And feel free to send us your comments and suggestions for improvement, by clicking on "Contact us".
Want to consult the onepoint of job offers? Access our news and blogs?
Manage your holidays or track your activity report?
By downloading the application onepoint Portal, you can:
- Access our news and blogs
- Consult our service offerings
- Consult our publications
- Browse and apply for our vacancies
- Consult our son Twitter
- Contact us
For onepoint collaborator personalized space allows you to:
- View and enter your vacation requests
- Consult your leave balance
- Be alerted in real-time validation of your holidays
- View and enter your expense
- Consult your rendering account activity
- Create a Helpdesk ticket
And feel free to send us your comments and suggestions for improvement, by clicking on "Contact us".
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