Unionist, welcome home. In this new world of União de Leiria you can have access to everything:
- Backstage of the team's day-to-day
- Up-to-the-minute news
- Calendar of official competitions
- All information about the journey
- Direct on match days
- Online ticket office
- Exclusive reports
- Game Highlights
- Birthday party with MiniUni
- Visit the União de Leiria Museum
- Meet the fanzone Porta10
- Information about partners
- History of the emblem
The strength and mystique of the magical União always available on your mobile phone and just a click away. Download the União de Leiria Official App now.
#muitomaisquefutebol #UniãoPorTodoLado
- Backstage of the team's day-to-day
- Up-to-the-minute news
- Calendar of official competitions
- All information about the journey
- Direct on match days
- Online ticket office
- Exclusive reports
- Game Highlights
- Birthday party with MiniUni
- Visit the União de Leiria Museum
- Meet the fanzone Porta10
- Information about partners
- History of the emblem
The strength and mystique of the magical União always available on your mobile phone and just a click away. Download the União de Leiria Official App now.
#muitomaisquefutebol #UniãoPorTodoLado
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