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About Breasy

Revolutionize your coffee break with Breasy and your payment card and forget about your key! Breasy lets you pay for products in any vending machine simply and securely, with no additional cost: look for the Breasy and Masterpass™ logos on the machine. Thanks to Bluetooth 4.0 technology you can connect to any Hi! system equipped vending machine and make a secure payment thanks to Masterpass™ in cash or by credit card so you don't have to go without your coffee. Breasy also manages queues intelligently and lets you know when it's your turn.

- Download Breasy
- Login or Register
- Activate Bluetooth and location services
- Choose the vending machine you want to connect to (look at the number on the label)
- Top up with cash or register your credit card (Mastercard & Visa)
- Choose the product

One free app, all vending machines, lots of advantages.

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Breasy Screenshots