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Cotton Kitty-Weather Forecast

Guroom Cat
2.5 out of 5
50,000+ downloads

About Cotton Kitty-Weather Forecast

Cotton Kitty is free weather forecast application that provides world weather forecast and what to wear at every temperature.

Get ready to go out with Cotton Kitty!

Cotton Kitty features
- Weather forecast around 1,000 cities in the world
- 5 kinds of widgets
- Hourly weather forecast
- 3-hour weather forecast
- T.T.T.(Today/Tomorrow/The day after tomorrow) daily weather forecast
- Weekly weather forecast
- What to wear at every temperature
- How many layers to wear at every temperature

Helpful tips
- Swipe to remove city in search history
- Long press and swipe up and down to modify city in search history
- Freely send message anything you want to say
- Convert degrees between fahrenheit and celsius
- Turn on GPS to use widgets

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