Cotton Kitty is free weather forecast application that provides world weather forecast and what to wear at every temperature.
Get ready to go out with Cotton Kitty!
Cotton Kitty features
- Weather forecast around 1,000 cities in the world
- 5 kinds of widgets
- Hourly weather forecast
- 3-hour weather forecast
- T.T.T.(Today/Tomorrow/The day after tomorrow) daily weather forecast
- Weekly weather forecast
- What to wear at every temperature
- How many layers to wear at every temperature
Helpful tips
- Swipe to remove city in search history
- Long press and swipe up and down to modify city in search history
- Freely send message anything you want to say
- Convert degrees between fahrenheit and celsius
- Turn on GPS to use widgets
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Get ready to go out with Cotton Kitty!
Cotton Kitty features
- Weather forecast around 1,000 cities in the world
- 5 kinds of widgets
- Hourly weather forecast
- 3-hour weather forecast
- T.T.T.(Today/Tomorrow/The day after tomorrow) daily weather forecast
- Weekly weather forecast
- What to wear at every temperature
- How many layers to wear at every temperature
Helpful tips
- Swipe to remove city in search history
- Long press and swipe up and down to modify city in search history
- Freely send message anything you want to say
- Convert degrees between fahrenheit and celsius
- Turn on GPS to use widgets
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