EKOMETRE, which started its broadcasting life with the motto of being the voice of the business world, is determined to maintain the flag it has carried to this day without compromising its publishing principles.
Ekometer.com, one of the oldest economy portals in our country, has been meeting with its audience since 2002. Ekometer.com, whose content is prepared independently of #EKOMETREGazetesi, reaches its readers on its pages 24 hours a day at every economic and political development moment. Working with the principle of presenting the content and the reader's desire to read, not the number of clicks, ekmetre.com news center does not disturb the reader by dividing the news into pictures, by putting different objects in between, and does not distract the reader with banner ads.
Ekometer.com, which is the main backbone of the economy content, also includes politics, agenda news and developments in Bursa.
Who is reading EKOMETRE?
EKOMETRE is read by industrialists, businessmen and top managers, who are classified as 'Group A', have a high income level, generally make purchasing decisions, including company owners.
In addition, SİADs, Chambers of Industry and Commerce, ministers of economy, economy bureaucrats, government institutions serving the business world are among the readers of EKOMETRE.
Sectoral distribution of those who read EKOMETRE
Textile Industry comes first among the sectors that read EKOMETRE. Automotive follows 12%, Furniture 11%, Construction 10%. Food, Bank, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, SİADs 6%, Official and Political Institutions 5%, Tourism and Consultancy Sector 4%, Communications Sector 3% , Informatics, Health, Retail, Machinery, Service and Education Sectors are among the readers of EKOMETRE with a rate of 2% and the Logistics Sector with a rate of 1%.
Ekometer.com, one of the oldest economy portals in our country, has been meeting with its audience since 2002. Ekometer.com, whose content is prepared independently of #EKOMETREGazetesi, reaches its readers on its pages 24 hours a day at every economic and political development moment. Working with the principle of presenting the content and the reader's desire to read, not the number of clicks, ekmetre.com news center does not disturb the reader by dividing the news into pictures, by putting different objects in between, and does not distract the reader with banner ads.
Ekometer.com, which is the main backbone of the economy content, also includes politics, agenda news and developments in Bursa.
Who is reading EKOMETRE?
EKOMETRE is read by industrialists, businessmen and top managers, who are classified as 'Group A', have a high income level, generally make purchasing decisions, including company owners.
In addition, SİADs, Chambers of Industry and Commerce, ministers of economy, economy bureaucrats, government institutions serving the business world are among the readers of EKOMETRE.
Sectoral distribution of those who read EKOMETRE
Textile Industry comes first among the sectors that read EKOMETRE. Automotive follows 12%, Furniture 11%, Construction 10%. Food, Bank, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, SİADs 6%, Official and Political Institutions 5%, Tourism and Consultancy Sector 4%, Communications Sector 3% , Informatics, Health, Retail, Machinery, Service and Education Sectors are among the readers of EKOMETRE with a rate of 2% and the Logistics Sector with a rate of 1%.
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