Kyobo Book Center’s middle and high school reference books ranked #1 on the bestseller list*
Hacker's Voca Etymology, from learning etymology, the core of English words
Easily memorize words derived from etymology one by one.
You can perfectly prepare for the vocabulary essential for middle and high school English and the words that appear in the English test for the college entrance exam.
It's easier with Hacker's Boca etymology app! faster! more comfortable! Complete your English vocabulary learning.
* Kyobo bookstore middle/high school reference books bestseller No. 1 (21.01.07, online weekly tally)
Stop just memorizing blindly!
English words that are easily memorized line by line with their etymology
1. Words are memorized line by line with one etymology!
1) Rather than simply arranging in alphabetical order, the table of contents is organized by topic to enhance the association effect of word meaning.
2) By arranging words and etymologies with similar meanings at once, it is possible to increase the number of words memorized together, as well as to review them automatically.
2. Learning the meaning of words in an easy and fun way with picture explanations and etymology!
It provides picture explanations that can be understood at a glance and etymology directly related to the meaning of words for all words, making learning easier and faster.
3. You can easily understand the actual use of words with 'Examples from the CSAT'!
1) Sentences from actual exams are provided as examples, so you can learn according to the exam.
2) Frequently used vocabulary was selected by covering ‘SAT/Mock Test/Academic Assessment/Curriculum’, and the importance of frequently used words was marked with a star (★).
3) It also provides key expressions that show how often words are used in actual example sentences.
4. Appendix ‘Key polysemy words’ and ‘Key confusion vocabulary’ that can be understood at once just by looking at them
1) Key polysynonyms tightly grasped by the etymology tree
It is possible to organize how the various meanings of polysemy words, which are interpreted in various meanings depending on the context, came about through etymology.
2) Key Confusing Vocabulary Caught in Context
Confused vocabulary that can be confused due to similar spelling is arranged with example sentences, so you can learn the meaning clearly through context.
▼▼ Systematic learning process ▼▼
[STEP.1] Learning picture etymology
With picture explanations to help understand the key etymology
Words belonging to the etymology can be learned one after another.
[STEP.2] Etymology/word search
Quickly find etymologies and words you want to find
You can learn to search.
[STEP.3] Word game
Word writing, pairing, etymology matching, example sentence blanks, etc.
Make your memorized words your own through various games.
[STEP.4] My own vocabulary
Put the words to memorize in your own vocabulary,
Through underlining, word/meaning, games and review
You can study until you memorize the words perfectly
We will guide you as follows about the access rights used by the app.
Access rights are divided into essential access rights and optional access rights, and in the case of optional access rights, you can use the app even if you do not agree to the permission.
• Required Access Rights
• Storage space
With device photo media file access
To store and play video and audio
• phone call
PUSH with dialing and management privileges
It is used for environment setting.
• Optional access rights
• Camera and video
Attach photos/videos to Hackers
• If you are using a smartphone with Android OS version 6.0 or lower, all of them can be applied as essential access rights without selective access rights. In this case, after upgrading the operating system to 6.0 or higher, you must delete and reinstall the app to set access rights normally.
Developer Contact:
Hacker's Voca Etymology, from learning etymology, the core of English words
Easily memorize words derived from etymology one by one.
You can perfectly prepare for the vocabulary essential for middle and high school English and the words that appear in the English test for the college entrance exam.
It's easier with Hacker's Boca etymology app! faster! more comfortable! Complete your English vocabulary learning.
* Kyobo bookstore middle/high school reference books bestseller No. 1 (21.01.07, online weekly tally)
Stop just memorizing blindly!
English words that are easily memorized line by line with their etymology
1. Words are memorized line by line with one etymology!
1) Rather than simply arranging in alphabetical order, the table of contents is organized by topic to enhance the association effect of word meaning.
2) By arranging words and etymologies with similar meanings at once, it is possible to increase the number of words memorized together, as well as to review them automatically.
2. Learning the meaning of words in an easy and fun way with picture explanations and etymology!
It provides picture explanations that can be understood at a glance and etymology directly related to the meaning of words for all words, making learning easier and faster.
3. You can easily understand the actual use of words with 'Examples from the CSAT'!
1) Sentences from actual exams are provided as examples, so you can learn according to the exam.
2) Frequently used vocabulary was selected by covering ‘SAT/Mock Test/Academic Assessment/Curriculum’, and the importance of frequently used words was marked with a star (★).
3) It also provides key expressions that show how often words are used in actual example sentences.
4. Appendix ‘Key polysemy words’ and ‘Key confusion vocabulary’ that can be understood at once just by looking at them
1) Key polysynonyms tightly grasped by the etymology tree
It is possible to organize how the various meanings of polysemy words, which are interpreted in various meanings depending on the context, came about through etymology.
2) Key Confusing Vocabulary Caught in Context
Confused vocabulary that can be confused due to similar spelling is arranged with example sentences, so you can learn the meaning clearly through context.
▼▼ Systematic learning process ▼▼
[STEP.1] Learning picture etymology
With picture explanations to help understand the key etymology
Words belonging to the etymology can be learned one after another.
[STEP.2] Etymology/word search
Quickly find etymologies and words you want to find
You can learn to search.
[STEP.3] Word game
Word writing, pairing, etymology matching, example sentence blanks, etc.
Make your memorized words your own through various games.
[STEP.4] My own vocabulary
Put the words to memorize in your own vocabulary,
Through underlining, word/meaning, games and review
You can study until you memorize the words perfectly
We will guide you as follows about the access rights used by the app.
Access rights are divided into essential access rights and optional access rights, and in the case of optional access rights, you can use the app even if you do not agree to the permission.
• Required Access Rights
• Storage space
With device photo media file access
To store and play video and audio
• phone call
PUSH with dialing and management privileges
It is used for environment setting.
• Optional access rights
• Camera and video
Attach photos/videos to Hackers
• If you are using a smartphone with Android OS version 6.0 or lower, all of them can be applied as essential access rights without selective access rights. In this case, after upgrading the operating system to 6.0 or higher, you must delete and reinstall the app to set access rights normally.
Developer Contact:
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