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اغاني حمد الطيار

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About اغاني حمد الطيار

The application of the songs of the artist Hamad Al-Tayyar in one application
Hamad bin Nasser bin Halil Al-Tayyar (1947 - December 19, 2009) was a Saudi folk artist and composer. He composed music for many singers such as Muhammad Omar, Ali Abdul Sattar and Rashid Al Majid, and was influenced by the artist Khaled Abdul Rahman Al Fannan.
He presented a different style of art in the seventies, eighties and nineties, and at this time he is considered one of the most famous singers in Saudi Arabia. What are the songs? Hamad Al-Tayyar is late
Hamad Al-Tayyar Oud
Hamad Al Tayyar My heart prostrated
Hamad Al-Tayyar Are my tears
Hamad Al-Tayyar, except for the people of Taif
Hamad Al-Tayyar is old
Hamad Al-Tayyar We wrote for you from the notice
Hamad Al Tayyar is a player
Hamad Al-Tayyar is from any tribe
My eyes, who praised the pilot
He entered the artistic field in the late sixties of the twentieth century and recorded his first record in 1969/1970, and participated as a musician and singer in the Riyadh Radio Band and presented many songs and melodies, perhaps the most famous of which is to the people of Taif - Thirst for a glimpse of lightning - I knew after the late O heart, Islam and Islam of God - prostration My heart - I wish it was with the pilot - My friend is next - Majboor, my dear - Hamad Al-Tayyar is my eyes, who is the one
Hamad Al-Tayyar How long will your love last?
Hamad Al-Tayyar How long will your love be lyrics?
Hamad Al-Tayyar, when will you add me?
How old is Hamad Al-Tayyar?
Hamad Al-Tayyar is your eye
Where is Hamad Al Tayyar from?
Hamad Al-Tayyar without your door - we wrote for you from the poems - and others. He announced his retirement from singing in 2008.

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